Selasa, 9 November 2010

A pain in the head

You've had a headache for several days, msut be a brain tumour, right? That's the conclusion you could well come to if you do a simple Internet search. According to the site, there are 2231 possible causes of a headache, which include:

1)   Common cold
2)   Tension
3)   Neck problems
4)   Migraine
5)   Sinusitis
6)   Head injury
7)   Meningitis
8)   Encephalitis
9)   Typhus
10) Haematoma

You can't have them all. Rather than worry, visit your doctor!

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Semoga Allah SWT beri kita kekuatan untuk amal dan sampaikan kepada saudara-saudara yang lain. InsyaAllah.